Tag Archives: snowy roads

The Weather… Groan

And then there is the weather.  Despite living in Canada, this time of year is supposed to be around 5 degrees (C) and if not sunny, rainy.  We have been stuck in a deep freeze all week, which is getting colder, and snow coming out the wazoo.  Not nearly as much as Buffalo but for those of us who have to travel to the country, it’s enough!

This should come as no surprise to those of you who have had family riders for a couple of years.  Horses cannot be kept in the city, therefore they have to be kept in the country.  There are also farmer’s fields in the country (or it wouldn’t be called that, I digress) which are open spaces in winter and cause winds to blow snow around making the country roads a FAR cry from the city roads!!

So it is enough of a challenge for this horsey mom to get out to the barn in the winter months let alone when it’s still autumn and it shouldn’t be an issue at all!!

Well, time to suck it up and head out… wish me luck!!